About Us

Mission to save a
Million Lives

Our Features

A real
life experience...

VR Training generates maximum FACT Retention and Emotional response for a training. Couples with Biofeedback assessing mannequin and visual Assessment – It’s as close to Life as it can get.



To bring a massive change in the statistics of sudden cardiac arrest deaths by providing CPR knowledge and implementing high-quality CPR procedures.



We aim to place India in the no.1 position of the world’s most cardiac arrest survivals by increasing the CPR literacy rate to create a generation with proper knowledge about CPR and make them courageous to implement high-quality CPR in emergencies.

Our Goals

To prepare even a child of age 10 confident to perform high-quality CPR in emergencies

To prepare the public to provide high-quality CPR when cardiac arrest happens in public

To spread the practice of high-quality CPR globally

To provide awareness about cardiac arrest and CPR to the public

To provide CPR training in every organization

To provide CPR training in every educational institution

To reduce the CPR death rate by a huge margin globally


These goals communicate our organization's dedication to empowering individuals and communities to be prepared and take action in critical situations, ultimately aiming to save more lives through essential CPR and first aid training.

Empower Communities with Lifesaving Skills

Equip individuals and communities with comprehensive CPR and first aid training, fostering a society where everyone can confidently respond to emergencies and potentially save lives.

Enhance Public Health and Safety

Promote a culture of safety by providing top-tier CPR and first aid education, ultimately reducing preventable deaths and injuries within our communities.

Maximize Preparedness for Emergency Situations

Strive to ensure that a significant proportion of the population is well-prepared and ready to act decisively during critical moments, significantly improving survival rates in emergencies.

Facilitate Rapid and Effective Emergency Response

Educate individuals on efficient and effective first aid techniques, ultimately minimizing response time and maximizing the chances of a positive outcome during medical crises.

Empower Communities with Lifesaving Skills

Equip individuals and communities with comprehensive CPR and first aid training, fostering a society where everyone can confidently respond to emergencies and potentially save lives.

Bridge the Gap in Basic Life Support Training

Address the critical need for accessible, high-quality CPR and first aid training, bridging the gap in essential life support skills and knowledge across diverse demographics.

Advocate for Healthier Communities

Advocate for a healthier, safer society by promoting CPR and first aid training as a fundamental component of overall community wellness, ultimately contributing to improved public health outcomes.

Collaborate for a Collective Impact

Collaborate with schools, workplaces, organizations, and communities to create a network of individuals proficient in CPR and first aid, amplifying the impact of our mission to save lives and create a safer world.


Kiran N.M


Dr. Mohammed Haneef M


Rays 3D


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